суббота, 11 января 2020 г.


You can install the Data Studio client alone if you have no need to install the license activation kit. Installation Instructions Extract the compressed file for the InfoSphere Optim Query Tuner client to a temporary directory on a system that is running a supported version of Microsoft Windows. For the requirements for installing the product, see System requirements. Use the server configuration kit, which you download from Passport Advantage, to activate the license and create the stored procedure. You can use the query-tuning features or IBM InfoSphere Optim Performance Manager to capture the statement after the application is deployed to a test or production environment. Check here to start a new keyword search. infosphere optim query tuner

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You use this client for your tuning tasks. After the features are activated, they are available to anyone else who connects to that database or subsystem through the Data Studio client, Version 4. You can o;tim a limited set of no-charge tuning tasks, or you can access the full set of tuning tasks for any databases on which a license for IBM InfoSphere Optim Query Workload Tuner, Version 3. You use this client for your tuning tasks.

Please try again later or use tunee of the other support options on this page.

InfoSphere Optim Query Workload Tuner for DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Prerequisites You need approximately 2. Install the license activation kit or the trial license activation kit only. Contact and feedback Need support?

Search results are not available at this time. You must also create and have the privilege to use a stored procedure that enables the Index Advisor and Workload Index Advisor.

Check here to start a new keyword search. In the SQL Outline view: Check here to start a new keyword search. Tuning single SQL statements This topic explains the general qeury of steps tumer using the advisors, analysis tools, and reports to tune SQL statements. You can install the license activation kit alone if the Data Studio client, Version 3.

Installing IBM InfoSphere Optim Query Workload Tuner, Version 4.1.1

These documents explain the general order of steps for tuning SQL statements and query workloads. You can use the query-tuning features or IBM InfoSphere Optim Performance Manager to capture the statement after the application is deployed to a test or production environment.

infosphere optim query tuner

If you have this kit, qusry and use it as you would the license activation kit that was just described. At least one Java project in your workspace must have support for Data Access Development enabled.

You can install both if neither component is installed yet on your workstation and you plan to use the license activation kit to activate licenses on DB2 databases or subsystems. Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows bit: Download the parts that you need from Passport Advantage at: You can skip directly to the recommendations by right-clicking an SQL statement in any of these three locations and selecting Get Query Tuner Report.

Use the server configuration kit, which you download from Passport Advantage, to activate the license and create the stored procedure.

infosphere optim query tuner

In nifosphere Java editor: You can choose whether to install these components through a wizard or silently with a response file. United States English English.

IBM InfoSphere Optim Query Workload Tuner

You can also compare access plans to validate the results of a tuning activity. Architecture of the product The product consists of two components. Follow the instructions that are in the Quick Start guide or that are located at http: Ensure the following project and application requirements are met: Return to the Java editor. Infpsphere activation is required once only. Installing the Data Tkner client through Installation Manager, if you downloaded the client separately.

Tuning SQL statements with InfoSphere Optim Query Workload Tuner

You must download the compressed files for both of these components. Qudry the license is activated on that database or subsystem, the full set of tuning features is available to anyone else who connects to that database or subsystem through the Data Studio client, Version 3. None of the above, continue with my search.

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